Thursday, 24 June 2010

Saturday 19th June

Last week my Aunty Lizzie came to stay with my parents for a holiday, so on Saturday, Douglas and I took her out into town for the day. This gave Lizzie some time with us, and my parents some time without her.

Having visitors is lovely, and Lizzy really needed a break from her husband who needs a lot of care, but visitors also mean extra work, so we were happy to take the pressure off Ma & Pa for a day and let them do their own thing.

We did some housework, then I nipped into our local village on the hunt of some skirt fabric before catching the tram on to the local Tesco where Douglas picked me up.

Aunty Lizzie can walk, but not very far, so earlier in the week I booked a wheelchair at the shop mobility centre in town for her. I had booked a manual wheelchair, but when we got to the place, there were electric scooters (Granny scarers). After some tuition and some reassurance, Lizzie was soon zooming off in front of us into town!

We caught a glimpse in the distance of the World Naked Bike Ride (Sheffield division) taking place - cyclists strip off and cycle around to protest about global warming and use of cars etc then walked/rode into town, pausing at a fascinating shop full to the rafters of interesting skirts, dresses, hats, scarves and leather jackets etc. Lizzy and I both purchased a few items :-)

After lunch we went into the Millennium Gallery, a beautiful glorified greenhouse with art gallery attached.

We just had time for a trip into John Lewis, where I found about 4 different fabrics that will make lovely skirts! (I have narrowed the choice down now, having 2 skirts made) I have a friend who used to be a professional seamsress who will make them for me.

We drove Lizzy back to ours, we had a drink and chatted for a while, then the parents came back from their day out visiting a "garden open" .

She, and we had a really good day!

That evening we relaxed, and enjoyed what was left of our 11th Handfasting Anniversary.. Still together 11 years late.. not bad eh?

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