Sunday, 11 October 2009

The hair cut!

As some of you know, I have really really long hair. For those of you who dont.. I had really really long hair until yesterday!!!!!!!!

Now I have just longish hair. I was brave and went to a proper Salon de Hair.. although I have been to barbers shops now and again, and demanded a quick chop of the worst bits, this time it was serious.. a wash then a chop!

The last time I had my hair washed cut and dried was when I lived in Leicester with my parents.. I must have been a young teenager at the time. All I remember is it was jolly expensive!!

The young man who did the chopping yesterday said about 5 inches really needed to come off to make it look all tidy. He did so, and I was very brave in not crying!!

As a special treat he got some flattening irons out and straightened it all.. it looked amazing!!

You can see the choppy bits here!

Douglas, sainted moggies and I are all fine. Douglas had a diabetic eye scan, which is why we went into town yesterday, and Billy.. well Billy brought in a HUGE DEAD RAT on Friday evening, looking ever so proud of himself.

I dont really need to explain ~(but I will anyway) that Douglas freaked out a bit, but very sensibly put the dead specimin into a carrier bag, praised Billy and binned the "prize".

We are pretty sure he didnt kill it, as he was only outside for a few minutes before he brought it in. My older brother, by way of facebook, suggested we should put it on the compost heap as a warning to others of its kind, but we really didnt want it to be brought back into the house again, so into the bin it went!

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