Sunday 1 November 2009

Samhain (pronouced Sah-wain)

This weekend we celebrated Samhain.. the end of the Pagan year and beginning of the new one. Its a time to look back on things past, and also to look forward to things yet to come.


Douglas had suggested we go out to our favourite tapas bar in town on Friday evening, so when I heard (via email and facebook) that his younger brother Simon would be back from Ethiopia, and in town that weekend it seemed the perfect time to arrange a little surprise!

I arranged with Simon that he should meet up with us at the restaruant on Friday, but that it would be a nice surprise for Douglas. I booked a table and as we went in, Douglas told the waitress we had booked a table for two, but i made some hand and mouth gestures behind D's back to say "NO! Its a table for three!!! but shhhh!"

Douglas, bless him didnt see this, or comment on why there were three plates laid out instead of two :-) We were a bit early, so I stalled him from ordering food by suggesting that we ordered cocktails first. I ordered one that D had last time thinking I liked it, but it really wasnt a patch on the lovely raspberry one Douglas ordered.. so he had both and I ordered a rasberry one for myself ;-) Yum! My first ever Daquiri!

We ordered some food, and shortly before it arrived Simon did!!!! He looks very well if a little wild.. his hair was very enthusastic and untamed lol. Douglas was totally surprised and delighted to see Simon. We had a really nice meal whilst the two brothers caught up and chatted away.

Its easy to arrange surprises for Douglas - the only thing is if I do something like that, I know I can't even give him a tiny clue because hes very good at guessing what the item/surprise is, so although I was dying to wind him up and give him some clues but managed not to. I told my mum and people at work though, cause they wouldnt let on! :-)


We had been invited up to Sentry Circle near Northallerton for a Samhain party and a friends birthday party combined. The land belongs to a farmer, who has allowed a stone circle to be built on a hill, and many native trees to be planted. The circle has taken many years to build, all the stones being pulled up the hill and put into place by pure person power - no motors involved.

It took about an hour and a half to get up there. We were very happy to meet up with our friends, and spent lovely evening just sitting and chatting. Douglas also helped with baking some mutton in the earth oven, then looking after a huge stew that was created to feed everyone who wanted some.

After the birthday celebrations, and enjoying peoples fancy dress costumes, we reluctantly headed for home, and got back about 11pm.

This was the communal fire that heated the stones for the earth oven.

More photos on next entry

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