Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Silly goings on at work

Whilst I was on holiday, my dear work colleague Malcolm had his penguin office desk toy kidnapped.

The poor peng was put, head down, into a mug of water, and stuffed into the office freezer. Notes were left to lead his owner on a trail to the place his much loved bird had been hidden.

By the time he got there, Penguin was frozen into his watery prison, and Malcolm was rather distressed. In a desperate attempt to free his desk toy, he got hold of penguins lower half and pulled.. and pulled.. hoping that he would slide out of the ice.

Penguin lovers may wish to stop reading now..

The worst imaginable happened.. Penguin snapped in half.. his upper half stayed firmly in the ice.

Poor Malc. When our team leader found out, she told our team off for their tricks, but probably had a bit of a laugh about it too!

Malcolm has a new desk toy now.. a rather manic looking Octopus that he has named affectionately (?) after his Wife, by calling it "Pauline 2".

Pauline 2 can be seen in Malcolm's hand any time he leaves his desk. He is not leaving anything to chance now!!

I made an ID badge for the Octopus today in a spare moment, so in a few days time, I hope my friend on the facilities desk will email the real Pauline and tell her that her new ID badge is ready. I'm sure she will enjoy the joke when she sees what I created!!

Ps We do work hard at work.. I created the ID badge in my break lol :-)


TDBIL said...

First aid for frozen penguins:
Rule 1. Don't pull.
Rule 2. Defrost slowly at room temperature in a container to catch melted ice.
Rule 3. Dab dry with a towel carefully and keep warm until normal function returns. Keep checking for vital signs.

Mrshappyanna said...

I will show Malcolm your comments tomorrow.. Im sure he will have a good giggle!

A xx

TDAIL said...

It just goes to show that human intervention in a frozen environment is not a good idea and penguins should be left there to fend for themselves. Take note, Antractica.