Thursday, 10 February 2011

Blowing my own trumpet!

For those of you who listen to Radio 4 or the World Service, The title of this entry may sound like a topic for “Just a Minute” A very funny radio show/game in which the contestants are challenged to speak for one minute without hesitation, deviation or repetition on any subject that comes up on the cards )

Well, it is a very funny show, but this is about me (surprise surprise!)

In November, there had been some talk at work of a special training course those who wanted to develop skills useful for the supervisor job.

The idea was, for those of us who were interested would apply and have interviews as if for a real supervisor job.

This idea was put on hold as real supervisor jobs came up!!
I’ve been in my current job for 3 years now, have got involved in all sorts of projects and done a bit of coaching, so after being encouraged to apply, I tackled the huge application form and sent it in– First application for a job in three years. 32 people, all EA employees applied for about 5 jobs,

I wasn’t too surprised not to get an interview, but just after Christmas, I had some very valuable feedback on what I did wrong on my application form, and how to tackle one next time!

The same application forms were used to decide on 20 of us to be interviewed for the training group. I got lucky and was picked for interview!

I spent quite a few evenings working very hard on the competencies I would be asked about, making sure I had a couple of examples I could talk about that fit each section.

Well, dear reader, I found out yesterday that I had done well enough to get selected for one of the 6 places on offer.. But today.. and this is REALLY where the blowing of the trumpet starts!!!!

I had a meeting with my team leader, who told me that not only had I done well at interview.. But I had done better than EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!

Even better than that ( ohh yes ) I was the ONLY ONE that, had it been an interview for a supervisor role that got high enough marks to be considered for the job!!! Wow.

Now comes 6 months of training, and hopefully a few more opportunities to practice my application and interview skills!

1 comment:

Compost John said...

Terrific... I'm really proud of you.