Saturday, 2 April 2011

Sucker Punch the Movie and Mouse problems!

Douglas and I went to the movies this evening to see Sucker Punch - the term means an unexpected punch, or blow, and (without giving the ending away) its truely delivered at the end of the film.

Sucker Punch was very exciting. Its based on the story of a girl who gets put into a lunatic asylum, who copes by imagining that its a bordello, and then copes with that by going into a fantasy world on a Quest (complete with Japanese style fighting, monsters, helicopters and a smattering of dragons!) as part of trying to escape the asylum/bordello

If you enjoyed the film Inception, and you like Manga Action films, you will enjoy this psychological thriller.

Our evening out was spoilt a little by a rude man behind us, whose mobile rang TWICE during the film, and both times he answered it and had a conversation! ARRGGHHH! Surely the amusing "Orange Mobile" adverts about annoying mobile phones are clear enough?


We got back at about 6.30pm, Lilly was providing ornamentation to our cat stand ( a sawn off tree my dad made into a glorified scratching post for them) and Billy was draped over the back of the armchair. Both were looking out the front window waiting for us to return and their dinner to be provided, which of course it duly was.

I came up to our office shortly after coming home, and got on with some "homework" I had to do.
I'm on a development course at work, and last session we looked at managing ourselves and our workloads, and how we could improve ourselves.

Part way through this, Douglas called and asked me to come down.. he was just watching his favouite movie, the Wicker Man (the 1973 version, not the travesty released a couple of years ago) when a mouse scuttled past in front of the fire place!!

Douglas is not best keen on mice, so we got Lilly (she probably brought it in to start with) to go downstairs, but she was more interested in eating some left overs from her dinner. The mouse was cowering behind the TV, so I got a pint glass and a box lid, and crawled behind the Telly and very gently captured the unwelcome visitor, put the lid over the top as mice are talented jumpers, showed Douglas (not Lilly) and took it outside.

This is about the third or fourth mouse we have been "gifted" by the cats recently. Yesterdays offering came in almost dead, and was deposited into one of my shoes!! We remove these "gifts" praise the cats and hope for no more :-D

Dear pussies!

******** Update the next morning *********

After the cats had enjoyed their breakfast, they showed great interest in our downstairs loo, so I moved a few things in there and Lo and behold! The mouse was hiding there. I got my trusty pint glass and plastic lid, went into the loo and shut the door, and moments later I had the unwelcome visitor safely trapped. The mouse has now been interrogated, cautioned (it wasnt his fault after all) and extradited to his own country once more.

How long now until the next one???


Marcheline said...

Ha! We had a mouse in the house once. It was sitting in the middle of the living room, while our cats sat not two feet away (one on each side of the mouse) looking at it like, "Oh, hello - did you bring any snacks? Would you like a game of bridge?" Too funny! That's what happens when you raise cats indoors.

Anonymous said...

In our big old house mice are a permanent hazard. I'm sure I can hear them in the walls! Anyway, whenever suspected in the kitchen the trap goes down. Sorry, no compassion for pests.