Thursday, 19 June 2008

A most interesting evening!!!

My cousin Chris is staying with my parents for a few days, but yesterday was our turn :-)

Chris is my fathers brothers son, and he shares a lot of family traits with my dad, his dad, my older brother and to some extent myself. We, and other members of this genetic thread are very strong headed and have very good (but mabye a little strange) sense of humour.

Our side of the family have been out of touch with Chris since he was a child, and this is only the second time I've met him since I was 6! He is a charming fellow, very cheerful, and his eyes and nose look the spitting image of my dad which is strange but also lovely :-)

After a flurry of text messages between me and my mum, we arranged for Chris to pick Douglas up from work, go to Waitrose and get some shopping. I rushed straight home, washed up and tidyed the kitchen, hoovered the lounge, stripped the two spare beds and washed their floors before having a "runescape" sized break.


Runescape lovers, please note.. I am now up to level 80 herblore, and thanks to my wonderful Canadian friend Battlescars7 giving me all her raw fish to cook, Im now up to 87 cooking!!


Douglas rang up from the supermarket, wanted to know if I would eat Marrow. I said I had eaten it in the past, and not liked it, so no thanks but I liked courgettes. Chris, being as i said a pigheadded bloke, ignored this and got one anyway :-) £60 later, they were home with bags full of veggies, high quality lamb, a marrow, loads of fruit and other goodies!

Chris loves cooking, so with Douglas as his Commis chef (is that the right spelling?) he made stuffed roast peppers with a blue cheese and sour cream topping, stuffed roast marrow with similar top, lovely fluffy rice, the most beautiful new, non waxy potatoes Ive had in a long time, and some strips of lamb for him and D.

Oh... the starter was griddle cooked Spargy (Asparagus) with a dip and thin thin slices of brown bread. I have fallen head over heels in love with Spargy, which until recently, I knew i would eat but didnt think much of.

Chris took a very long time to cook all this, drinking plenty of beer and chatting almost non stop whilst Douglas helped and I was told to stay out of the kitchen!!

The meal, when it arrived was well worth the wait. Everything was beautifully cooked, the tastes were exsquisite, and I must admit, I even enjoyed the marrow!!!!

Exhausted and very stuffed, first Douglas at about 10.30, then I about half an hour later fell into bed and slept :-)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a GREAT time.

Mrshappyanna said...

It was good but oh boy! He could talk the hind leg off several donkies hahah