Recently Douglas and I purchased some new lampshades, and once I had given this one a good wash, it was suitable to be given away. When we have something that still has life in it, but we no longer need/want, it normally goes on Freegle.
I put the offer of this lampshade on, and someone was very keen to give it a new home on verbal description alone.. so I thought I would send her a photo by email to make sure she did really want it!
I gave the lampshade to Douglas, and asked him to model it.. so he did :-D
I put the offer of this lampshade on, and someone was very keen to give it a new home on verbal description alone.. so I thought I would send her a photo by email to make sure she did really want it!
I gave the lampshade to Douglas, and asked him to model it.. so he did :-D
The lampshade, but not the base (As shown here in the photo) will be picked up on Tuesday.
The base (also known as Douglas) is far too precious to be disposed of.. anyway our local Freegle site does not allow living things apart from plants to be offered :-)
The base (also known as Douglas) is far too precious to be disposed of.. anyway our local Freegle site does not allow living things apart from plants to be offered :-)
on the subject of freegle- i found a version of freegle that is very simplistic and much less limited by location! have a nosy at
wow, that sounded like a proffesional advert...
Pengper, thanks for the link but its nationwide...
Freegle narrows it down to just your city or immediate area, so you dont have to travel very far to get your item.
Our local groups advertise (and have give and take tables) at events like community gatherings and green fairs. Just in our group alone we have over 4500 members. I think giving and getting locally and helping local people to meet and get to know each other is miles better!.. Ive made quite a lt of friends being a member of freegle.. and I think it rocks ;-)
Hey Anna - Just been catching up with all your April blogs, from when D was ill, via your holiday and BBQs to Freegle. I've not been in the blogosphere for ages. Apologies for not being in touch. Hi also to Pengper (still can't get into your blog).
Rats. Without the base, it's really.... baseless!
I can't say I blame you, though. Who would want to be accused of free-basing?
(Can you tell I'm almost on vacation?) ONE MORE DAY!!!
Enjoy your holiday, M!
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