Friday, 28 December 2007

Note to self and husband

When you get two cats in your house, delicate wine glasses are NOT a good thing to leave out on your sideboard, however remote the chance of either cat (Anna stares hard at Billy) having a mad 5 mins, jumping up and taking two down with a swish of his black furry tail.

Guess what happened early this morning? ….. We live and learn..


Pengper said...

ouch! were they new?
hope the cats aren't hurt, or the humans!

Mrshappyanna said...

Hey Pengper, no they were not new, they were a wedding present back in '99 from an Uncle on your side of the family I think.. the one who used to be a Swiss Ambasador? They were lovely - engraved with grapes and vines :-(

Oh and no one got hurt.. I swept the bits up immediatley then got the hoover out about an hour later, as it was so early when it happened.