Monday 31 December 2007

Seen alive! the half cat!

Well whilst I was busy typing up a mustard blog, guess who I saw on the stairs??

I wont keep you in suspense.. it was the half cat, Lilly with eyes the size of DINNER PLATES!!

She is getting braver.. and Im proud to present the first ever photo we have taken of her. I know its not very good, but this is the closest we can get at present :-)

Shes really very pretty, quite a bit smaller than Billy. I look forward to having a photo of both in 2008!

Oh by the way.. Happy New Year!!!


Pengper said...

at last!
the invisible appears!
...and is quite cute too

Mrshappyanna said...

Ha ha! yes! She really exists!

Im glad you think shes cute :-)

When you come down in the summer, you can meet her!!

A xx

Ps nag your mum for dates!