Sunday, 9 December 2007


No news but the Cat (aka sacred beast) is going home tomorrow morning, as my brother and sis in law have returned from their holiday.

Talking of sacred beasts.. follow this link.. its incredibly funny. Watch the two clips in order.

enjoy it..


missbliss said...

That was absolutely hilarious!! LOVE IT SO MUCH! Thank you, I will be passing it along to other cat lovers!

Hope my kitties talk to each other when we finally get them :D

I also thought this one was v. funny when another blogger (Can't remember who :() posted it up:

The Little Medic said...

hope you don't mind me stealing this.

Mrshappyanna said...

Thank you Miss :) Will look at that tonight. Just on my way downstairs (7am) for beakfast then out into the cold cold morning for tram. Takes me just over an hour to get to work.. grump.

Anna xxx

Anonymous said...

Nice one! lol. tdmil

Mrshappyanna said...

Delighted for any of you to pass it on! Since the reaction was favourable, I will put more links in when I find them.
