Saturday, 12 January 2008

Le Weekend

Cats are fine - my scratches are healing slowly - the deep one on my palm is still sore, but thats better than having one less black and white cushion in the house!!

Well........... mum got a new computer on Wednesday so guess whose job is was to sort it out?

Douglas dropped me off at about 10am, after I had changed cat litter and cleaned the kitchen yet again (going to have to teach those cats how to sweep)

D went shopping to get some Euros for our trip to Amsterdam (going on Friday) and I wrangled with the new computer. The first problem was trying to get the stand on the monitor! We called the department store where it was purchased, and they were not helpful over the phone. Its not very far into town from my mums house, so we got the bus down, monitor in arms and went to the shop...

5 mins later, a rather embarrassed mother and daughter (monitor in arms) walk back out of the store having been shown how to do it!!

Back at base... gently bullied my mum into putting all the right wires int the right holes. My mother is fast approaching 70, is a not really that old cat but a bit jumpy when it comes to learning new tricks!

After lunch, Douglas and I spent a few hours installing anti spy, virus and advert removers.. Open Office (like Word for windows but free)

We had a break by taking some cat food down to the shelter where our babies came from - was a lovely visit, and nice to tell them how things are going.

More computer stuff them home to veg out and rest :-)

Mum can now use hotmail and the internet - shes happy!!!


Anonymous said...

umm, I know the feelubg, You may remember a post I wrote about the Very Nice IT Man (who usually does work only for businesses( and who came and set up free.

I could see the same old difficulty +++++ with my flatscreen computer, so paid Comet a small sum for their nice men to set it up and to take away the old one.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh lol nice to know Im not the only dimwit in the family! hahahah