Monday 14 July 2008

Catch up.. In Law Day (and a half)

On Wednesday last, we had our 2nd set of July visitors.. this time Douglases Dad and Step Mum. They were on their way on a visit of friends and family in England, and we were the first stop. Its great to have a house big enough to accommodate overnight guests at last. (Our last place in Bristol had one small spare single bed)

David and Sandy took us out for a lovely meal – D’s brother Simon and his girlfriend came too. We went to a place suggested by Si that did South American and Mexican food. Despite a few hiccups with Davids meal (he ordered what the waitress thought was an onion free meal, but when it arrived the waitress came over, very apologetic and explained there was finely chopped onion in the sauce!!) Since David is onion intolerant, a new dish was chosen, cooked fairly quickly, delivered with apologies and a free drink.

We had a lovely evening, chatting, eating and drinking – I think we got home at about 10pm, by which time we had consumed two large jugs of Sangria, and quite a few cocktails. Needless to say we all slept very well.

Douglas took David and Sandy to our local Waitrose (big treat for them, since there are no branches local to them in Scotland) and then in onto town. I didn’t feel like going, so I went out into the garden and decided to attack the veg patch before it becomes a total weed patch.

I started with some small weeds, getting them up with use of trowel, but then I decided to change gears, get the shears out and cut down some Triffids (aka dock plants and bind weed, mixed with the occasional bramble) near to the fence that were taking over It all looks a bit better now.


Anonymous said...

Great to read your Blog again - had really missed it!
If you are still looking for inspiration for when we visit - bowling sounds a fun idea?!

Mrshappyanna said...

I have a few ideas in mind.. as I was telling your boys... washing dishes.. cleaning the loo.. weeding the garden.. mowing the lawn... Im sure we can find plenty that needs doing!! LMAO :-D

Ok.. yes Douglas and I do have a few fun ideas up our sleeves, but would love to go bowling too.

Not long now till your visit!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha. Love all these "fun" activities you have in store for them......