Thursday, 23 October 2008

Today (I will update this post during the day)

Just sneaked in to see D, gave him his toiletries, phone charger and some kisses :-)

The Drs will see him today (probably about 11 ish) and hopefully make a decision on what to do.

He was very pleased to see me, but I think equally pleased to see his toothbrush!!

***** much later ****

Been to see D.. hes much brighter this evening and feeling good!

He hopes to escape tomorrow afternoon :-)

Very reluctantly we have decided not to go up to Scotland for his dads birthday party.. D really needs to relax, rest and recover from being poorly for most of 3 weeks. We decided after both my parents, and his mum expressed their concerns over such a long journey after he had been so ill.

Our hearts were ruling our heads, but once my head had been prodded by Ma, Pa and DMIL I had a chat to Douglas and we decided that much as though we want to join in the fun, we really should stay at home and let him recover.

We expect loads of pictures and news to be sent to us after the parties. :-)

PS I think the cats are missing Douglas. but Im missing him more, cause there is no one to warm up on in bed.. tee hee!

Im shrammed. nite nite.


Anonymous said...

Aw bless. The poor dear.

And poor you too.

Love and lots of hugs

Anonymous said...

Really sorry to miss you both, but I am really pleased you are doing the right thing. Let D get better, and we'll look forward to catching up with you both later.

Much love
