Friday, 22 February 2008


Happy to say D is fine, me too..

He is being a star with the housework and cooking etc whilst recouperating. He has started some gout medication but gout might get worse before it gets better (odd)

My Uncles 80th today, so D has made a wonderful cake in the shape of a car, following a Delia Smith recipie for the cake (will find it!) I made some little registration plates for it with his initials and 80 on. I typed the initials and 80 into a word document, increased the font size and printed them out.

Later, at work I used a bright yellow highlighter to make the "registration plates" yellow, before cutting them out and sticking them some some thin card (this was from a chocolate bar wrapper!) They look pretty good!

When I got home (having got rather naughty fish & chips for Douglas, chips and curry sauce for me) i used a little spare icing to attach the registration plates to their chocolate butter icing covered car. If you look carefully, you will see lights and windscreen wipers, all made from Jelly beans! Fun!!

Robert was dead impressed with his cake, and said it was the best cake he had ever had. :-)

1 comment:

Compost John said...

Hi lil sis, glad D is out and able to cook.
We forgot Robert's birthday.... but never mind, he surely doesn't 'expect' a pile of cards etc?
I've added your blog to my favourites, so I can click on it regularly...
Keep in touch, love, John