Wednesday, 23 April 2008


I thought I would update my blog on the progress our our loving, greedy, and slightly dim cat Billy, and our beautiful little scaredy cat, Lilly.

Those of you who have been following my blog will know that our moggies came from a rescue centre in December, so its been nearly 6 months since we became "parents".

Billy is doing fine.. is spending at least an hour out every day, even if its raining (got very grubby last time) loves being stroked, and is at his happiest curled up on our bed, or on his cushion cover by the computer.
Lilly has always been much more shy, and until recently wouldn't come anywhere near us, but
about a month ago Lilly decided she was brave enough to sniff our hands, and will now rub her face along our fingers if we stay very still! We are delighted at this progress.
Over the last few weeks, Douglas and I have been trying to get her used to being touched (we would so love to stroke her, as she looks sooo cute!) Douglas has managed to stroke her tail a few times, which is great.
Yesterday I put Billys food down, then just before putting Lillys down, I reached out and managed to stroke her about 4 times along her back. She was still very jumpy, particularly when she saw that this contact was coming from a moving hand (YIKES! thinks Lilly).
We will continue with "training" Lilly not to be scared when we touch her, and hopefully in 6 months time or so, we can put a collar on her, and let her go walkies with Billy!
Watch this space for progress reports :-)

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