Monday, 21 April 2008

A weekend with a difference! Friday & Saturday

On Friday evening two of my friends I met on Runescape came up and stayed over, prior to going over to a village near Macclesfield on Saturday.

I have met Heather before (aka Mummybear) and shes lovely.. but I had not met Peter (aka Scorpioqaz) before! Im glad to say he was just as he seems when we are on line.. a good sense of humour mixed in with some naughtness, which often sees him getting sent to stand (well his character) in the corner as a punishment ;-)

We chatted late into the night, and after a leisurely start, headed off over the hills to see Ellie, another Runescape friend who runs a pub in a little village in Cheshire (near Mac)

Lunch at the pub was quite nice.. Ellie made me an omlette since she dosnt have an extensive menu, and nothing especially for veggies!!

I had an afternoon nap of about 2 hours in our hotel, which was very close to the pub (crawling distance lol) Ellie worked, Peter and Heather chatted in his room.

At about 6pm, we walked up to the Pub, and propped the bar up for about an hour before Ellie could hand over to someone else.

We went on a mini pub crawl round her village, and ended up (at 11pm) at the local curry establishment. They were heaving, so we had to get a take away and eat in in the pub!

1am saw us heading off back to our hotel, after a very pleasant evening chatting about this n that and lots of stuff about Runescape. After a fair bit of booze, and a very late night for me, I was glad to hit the hay.

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