Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Im married to the Mitchelin Man

Ok.. its only one arm that has swollen up and one knee but it sounded too funny not to say it lol.

D is ok.. his left arm has some very painful cellulitis on it and his left knee is now getting better - thats the one swollen up with gout (!) so all this along with being diabetic is a lot of fun for him (not)

I took him some clean clothes this morning and a book that arrived in the post (A Dick Francis) Do we have the Dreaded Mum in Law to thank for that?? He looked very pleased :-)

Ok back to work.. more this eveing.



Anonymous said...


poor little boy.

lol tdmil

Mrshappyanna said...

They hope diabetes is temporary.

Did I mention Gout? hes got that too.. or is it house maids knee lol

(Quote from the Diary of Mr Nobody I think where he goes through a book of common ailments and decides he has everything APART from housemaids knee)

Suits D rather well I think.. poor lad...

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to say. D has just so mcuh wrong with him, yet you are both two of the most positive people I know. LoL & hugs. Anti