Tuesday 20 November 2007

Im married to the Mitchelin Man

Ok.. its only one arm that has swollen up and one knee but it sounded too funny not to say it lol.

D is ok.. his left arm has some very painful cellulitis on it and his left knee is now getting better - thats the one swollen up with gout (!) so all this along with being diabetic is a lot of fun for him (not)

I took him some clean clothes this morning and a book that arrived in the post (A Dick Francis) Do we have the Dreaded Mum in Law to thank for that?? He looked very pleased :-)

Ok back to work.. more this eveing.



Anonymous said...


poor little boy.

lol tdmil

Mrshappyanna said...

They hope diabetes is temporary.

Did I mention Gout? hes got that too.. or is it house maids knee lol

(Quote from the Diary of Mr Nobody I think where he goes through a book of common ailments and decides he has everything APART from housemaids knee)

Suits D rather well I think.. poor lad...

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to say. D has just so mcuh wrong with him, yet you are both two of the most positive people I know. LoL & hugs. Anti