Thursday, 4 June 2009

My Blessed Team Leader...

My blessed team leader has just been to Asda.. she wickedly passed the cream cake section and came back with carrier bags bulging full of these (and other equally delicious buns)

I cant deny that a very small cake might..... just ....have passed my lips.. but.... after that I had........... no mother dearest :-) I didnt have a second one, lovely though the first one was..

I had some lovely ..........


The spare cakes were put in an area for general consumption.. an email announcing them was sent out, and (I think it might be a world record) within 3 mins flat every single one of these calorie filled goodies had vanished into the hungry mouths of the EA NCCC - the Environment Agency National Customer Contact Centre.


I better go swimming tonight to make up for the cake :-)

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